Frequently Asked Questions about Tami Coyne

FAQs about Spiritual Coaching

What can I expect from a session with you?

Do you really talk with dead people?

Can you communicate with animals?

How are coaching and spiritual counseling different from psychotherapy?

What are your spiritual beliefs?

What is an interfaith minister?

I'm not religious—can you still help me?

What do you charge for a session?

How many sessions will I need?

Are phone consultations as effective as in-person consultations?



What can I expect from a session with you?

You can expect compassion, honesty, a non-judgmental approach and understanding—no matter what the issue.

I usually spend from 20 minutes with each new client (no charge) to determine whether I can be of service. If so, we determine what your needs are and schedule an appointment by phone, skype or in-person.

I book sessions in 90, 60 or 30 minute time blocks. Usually a 90 minute session is necessary for a new clients so that I can complete a full SRT clearing and address your specific issues. 60 minute sessions are the norm for new communication clients, i.e. clients only wishing to communicate with a deceased loved one or a living or deceased animal. For ongoing clients in any capacity, 60 or 30 minute sessions are available. For ongoing clients, email support is also an option. See my Services page for more detail and to book a session.

Do you really communicate with the dead?

Yes, I do.

Even though I have always believed in reincarnation, I was very skeptical of after-death communication for most of my life. That all changed several years ago when within a two year period my aunt, my father, and a very dear friend died. I experienced a very profound level of grief and had a very strong desire to communicate with them. Through a series of amazing experiences, I discovered that I could. I also discovered that I could facilitate conversations for others.

For me, and for my clients who have communicated with their deceased loved ones, the process is incredibly healing. It is healing to say "I love you," to apologize or to forgive, to clarify a relationship or to simply make sure the person who died is okay. In addition to healing, the communication process can also be transformative. We experience first hand that everything is energy or consciousness and that in truth, there is no separation, that we are all One.

Can you communicate with animals?

Everything is consciousness, animals included. It is my great pleasure to communicate with animals. They are intelligent, loving and helpful.

How are coaching and spiritual counseling different from psychotherapy?

I have been a life coach since 1998 and a spiritual coach/counselor since I was ordained in 2004. I am not a psychotherapist. If you are suffering from psychological issues, please seek help from a licensed mental health professional.

To me, life coaches are a lot like football coaches: they tell you how to avoid or confront obstacles and help you make the plays that move you down the field of life. Spiritually-based coaching can help you to get in better touch with your most authentic level of being and help you to design your life accordingly.

Spiritual counseling is very helpful during times of deep crisis or grief. Accessing your own divinity and asking for guidance and help can be difficult during trying times. While it does not replace psychotherapy, it does help you to reconnect with life on a deeper level. It can help you regain a sense of peace.

What are your spiritual beliefs?

My spiritual philosophy is simple. I believe in the "One Life Principle."

This ancient idea says that there is a single underlying power in the universe but the expression of this power takes many forms.

Scientists call this power energy, Nature, the unified field, or consciousness.
Theologians call it God or Spirit.

This power expresses itself as you, me and everyone and everything else in the Universe.

When we wrap our minds around this simple premise, we realize that because everyone and everything comes from the same spiritual source, we are all spiritual.

If we all come from the same spiritual source, then there is no separation — not only between us and God — but between us and anyone or anything else.

Like computers hooked up to a network server, each one of us has access to any and all information stored in the spiritual database of the Universe and is also inherently able to directly communicate with God/Spirit and all of its creations.

As expressions of spiritual energy, we can do and be whatever we want.
On the deepest spiritual level, we are not stuck, isolated, alone or being punished.

The goal of spiritual evolution is to wake up to our own underlying divine power and express ourselves as spiritual human beings.

The reward of spiritual evolution is realizing that there is no upward limit to what we can experience, do or be.

What is an interfaith minister?

When I was looking into becoming a minister, I felt called to the interfaith path. Interfaith is about appreciating and living the wisdom of all the world's religions. To me, the interfaith philosophy is the perfect expression of The One Life Principle, i.e., there is one life, but many expressions of it.

The following six core principles explain interfaith quite succinctly:

  1. We affirm the truth in all faiths and religious paths.
  2. We affirm our belief that seeking attunement to Spirit is the highest goal of conscious living.
  3. We affirm an inclusive vision of "We."
  4. We affirm the essential goodness of the human being.
  5. We affirm that each person, indeed all life, is a part of the healing of the world.
  6. We affirm the value of Interfaith interactions as enriching our awareness of Spirit in the world.

I'm not religious—can you still help me?

Absolutely! I do not consider myself religious in an orthodox, mainstream way but I value all points of view, including the religious and non-religious.

Spirit/Energy/God/Consciousness/Love belongs neither to religion nor to science. It is what/who we are on the most fundamental level.

What do you charge for a session?

My rates are very reasonable; see my services page for more information. Email me at [email protected] for more details.

How many sessions will I need?

That depends entirely on your issue and/or goals. One session might be all that is necessary or you might want to work with me over the course of many months.

Are phone consultations as effective as in person consultations?

I've been a life coach since 1998 and I can honestly say the answer is yes. In fact, for some clients, it is easier to be honest over the phone than in person which can make sessions even more effective.

Spiritual Counseling is NOT psychotherapy and I am not a psychotherapist. Please contact a licensed mental health professional if you suffer from psychological issues or problems.